We strive to create a working environment that feels welcoming to each person, regardless of their values, experiences, backgrounds, gender identity, religion, race, nationality, disability status, or socioeconomic status. We believe that diverse groups in which every voice is equally valued are more enjoyable and rewarding to be part of. Like natural ecosystems, diverse groups are also stronger, healthier, and produce better science. We are continuously striving to improve our efforts toward these goals.
Volker RudolfVolker has self diagnosed "scientific ADD" which he uses as an excuse to study a diverse range of topics and systems. Currently he is particularly interested in phenology, temporal networks & climate change.
Current Graduate Students
Zoey NealeAfter Zoey obtained her undergraduate degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond she joined the Masters program at Illinois State University to work on compensatory mortality in predator-prey systems. Zoey now studies how temperature influences species interactions and ultimately the structure and dynamics of communities.
Hengxing ZouHengxing worked on community assembly during for his undergraduate thesis at the University of Chicago before joining our group. Currently he is interested in combining theory and experiments to study how phenological shift and different types of priority effects influence community dynamics, species coexistence, and biodiversity patterns.
Hannah YinHannah joined us after completing her undergraduate degree in biology and computer science at Tufts University. Her current research interests encompass the ways that phenotypic plasticity in vertebrates, operating at the timescales of physiological, behavioral, and epigenetic changes within individuals, constrain the temporal structure of assembly dynamics and resilience of ecological networks.